HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST 10 CUSTOMERS 6 REAL-LIFE EXAMPLES First Meeting Keep the meeting under 30 minutes. Practice before the meeting. Be focused on your message and disciplined to ask hard questions. 2-3 min. Introductions. Talk about your company and product; get an understanding of the person’s role in the company. 5-7 min. Question asking. Today, I am going to show you some stuff that we have been working on. I recognize that you are an industry expert in this area. We have been working on some things that we think are highly relevant to your type of function at company XYZ. Before we jump into that, do you mind if I ask you about 5 minutes of questions to get a better context for what you are doing? In the context of [pain point], how are you doing that today? What is that process like? Have you been thinking about issue XYZ? Help me understand some context so that when I talk about my product, I can understand how to make that relevant to you. We have been thinking about [solution]. Is this something relevant to what you are thinking about? 10 min. Your Pitch. Your presentation with 6-9 slides that focuses on the problem, solution and benefit. Close your laptop. That’s the overview I wanted to share with you today about our company. the alchemist institute

How to Get Your First 10 Customers - Page 6 How to Get Your First 10 Customers Page 5 Page 7