HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST 10 CUSTOMERS 3 KEY PRINCIPLES What’s your message? Define a pain you are solving, a solution you are providing and a benefit to the customer. 1 Identify & list out 2 Convert cold prospects to customer prospects meetings by crafting the right hook · Define the criteria of who would make a · Email subject line should include the first name of target customer. your target to grab their attention, with a one liner distilling the key value you will drive for them. · Use Jigsaw or other contact databases to build . out a long list of contacts. · Body should be succinct (10 lines or less) to allow w they prospect to qualify if it is a fit. It should intrigue and · Mentally commit to a gameplan of speak directly to the pain point/gain statement you contacting a certain number on a provide. Ask for a minimally committal next step – regular schedule (for example, 5 like a 20 minute phone call. our message new emails/day). omers and hoe y · Email signature should contain your contact t a information (phone number, website), more detailed er tial custt it information about the company and endorsements. en our pot Focus the first meeting on . Based on tha t unearthing customer’s oduc 3 interests, qualifying if they 4 After the meeting are fit, and creating mutual our pr commitment towards closing n about the needs of y· Prioritize time on having customer speak about · Send a follow up email articulating what they agreed ear ould use y their interests and intent. to in the meeting. L w · Show a minimal pitch that covers only the salient · Put forth a next step to continue the dialogue. points to determine if their interests are addressed by the solution. · Adjust your positioning based on the learnings receiving. · Match any requests they put on you with requests back on them to build/qualify if the interest is real. Delay the pricing discussion as much as possible – the pricing can only increase as the customer is further convinced that you will meet their needs. Focus on needs. Get your first 10 customers. the alchemist institute

How to Get Your First 10 Customers - Page 3 How to Get Your First 10 Customers Page 2 Page 4